Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is lead generation?

What is lead generation?

Imagine walking into your office on Monday morning and finding ten hot leads flowing into your inbox. What a way to start business on a Monday, huh? Lead Generation is not a new form of gaining new business, but it now has a new approach. Rather than sitting at a trade show table for hours on end, or sitting up a display in hopes that other businesses will complete a form, you can have leads generated and sent to you using outbound telemarketing.

Lead generation could work for just about any business, but most industries using this type of marketing include IT companies, transport, consulting and many others. Trends show that lead generation will become even more popular in the future, especially for service oriented businesses.

Lead generation is a win-win for both the buyer and seller. A buyer is able to request information from several businesses that offer the product or service that they are looking for and the seller is given the opportunity to pitch their product or service to someone who has given them permission. Conversion rates on leads that you receive often have a higher conversion success rate than cold contacts because the prospect is prequalified, before you ever receive the lead.

Lead generation has become popular with businesses because it enables business to:

  • Identy more prospects qualified to consider the product or service
  • Select the geographical area that the business is interested in
  • Receive face to face appointments
  • Control the number of leads a business wishes to receive per month

If your calendar is empty and you need more appointments lead generation is a way that you can grow your sales opportunities quickly. It’s an easy way to increase your ROI and get more business on your books. Approach it just like you would any other advertising endeavor, set aside a reasonable budget to test it and see if it works for your business. The key to being successful in lead generation is to brush up on your sales and marketing skills so that the leads you receive convert at a high sales rate. Do not try to approach this method of marketing without the ability to follow through and close the sale.

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